Atlantis 3.0 Information Atlantis is an open-ended computer moderated play-by-email fantasy game for any number of players. Players may attempt to carve out huge empires, become master magicians, intrepid explorers, rich traders or any other career that comes to mind. There is no declared winner of the game; players set their own objectives, and one can join at any time.

Atlantis 3.0

Atlantis 3.0 is now finished. Thanks to all who played! I'm keeping this website up for a bit, but it will probably change form in the near future.

Atlantis 3.0 Introduction

Atlantis 3.0 Rules

Atlantis 3.0 Player Instructions

Atlantis 3.0 Hints

Atlantis 3.0 Sample Turns

Atlantis 3.0 Developer's Kit

Text versions can be found at the Atlantis 3.0 ftp site

Atlantis 3.0 Mapping Program

Trevor Tickner has made a Windows 95 mapping utility for Atlantis 3.0; click here for more info. It is available for free download from the AtMap3 ftp site.

Atlantis 3.0 Front End Program

Eckhard Gartz has written a feature-filled front end program for Atlantis 3.0. It works on Windows 95, and can be downloaded from this ftp site .

Atlantis 3.0 Player Home Pages

Articles of Confederation

The Atlantis 3.0 Pages at the House of Azthar

KRaby's Atlantis 3.0 Information Page

The Homepage of the Fellowship

The Grand Assembly of Learned Elders (GALE)

The Glorious Organization of Divineship

The Halls of the Brethren

Atlantis Seismic Lab

Wynn's Lair

Alliance of Independent Factions (AIF)

If you want to have your home page listed here, contact

Merry Prankster Games Home Page

Last Modified: January 31, 1999.

This page is maintained by Geoff Dunbar, the moderator of Atlantis 3.0,

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