Atlantis Download Page

The Downloads

atlantis_4_0_4.tgz (207313 bytes) - Version 4.0.4 of the Atlantis engine, including Atlantis Conquest 1.0.4 and Standard Atlantis 4.0.4.

atlantis_4_0_3.tgz (198409 bytes) - Version 4.0.3 of the Atlantis engine, including Atlantis Conquest 1.0.3 and Standard Atlantis 4.0.3.

atlantis_4_0_2.tgz (198228 bytes) - Version 4.0.2 of the Atlantis engine, including Atlantis Conquest 1.0.2 and Standard Atlantis 4.0.2.

atl_4_0_1.tgz (125269 bytes) - Version 4.0.1 of the Atlantis engine and version 1.0.1 of the Atlantis Conquest rule-set.

atlantis40.tgz (118083 bytes) - Atlantis source code, including version 4.0.0 of the Atlantis engine and version 1.0.0 of the Atlantis Conquest rule-set.

File Information

The files on this page are tar'd and gzip'd. If you are running a Windows system, WinZip will decompress the files for you, or if you are more command-line aware, versions of tar.exe and gzip.exe exist, and you can follow the Unix directions below.

For Unix systems, tar and gzip should exist on your system. To decompress the files, do the following (probably best to do this in a new, empty directory):

gzip -d atlantis.tgz
tar xvf atlantis.tar

Last Modified: December 19, 2002

This page maintained by Geoff Dunbar (