I’ve just started working on Chapter 4 of Accursed Crown of the Giant King! Here’s the first screenshot:

More info on ACotGK: prankster.com/acotgk
I’ve just started working on Chapter 4 of Accursed Crown of the Giant King! Here’s the first screenshot:
More info on ACotGK: prankster.com/acotgk
Finished up the map for chapter 3 of Accursed Crown of the Giant King. Here it is (without locations):
The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2021 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at https://prankster.com/acotgk.
In this episode, I continue playing through the tutorial, part 5. This time, the party gains its third member: Beldegon Gloleaf, an elven spellcaster.