Starting to work on Chapter 3. Here’s my temporary map to work from:

Still testing chapter 2, using my iPhone build. Fixed a number of minor issues.
Starting to work on Chapter 3. Here’s my temporary map to work from:
Still testing chapter 2, using my iPhone build. Fixed a number of minor issues.
The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2020 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at
Here is the first video of ACotGK running on iPhone! My previous game, Temple of the Abyssal Winds, supported the iPhone, but I had to do various porting and updating to get the new one up and going.
In the next few weeks I’ll be testing Chapter 2 and starting dev on Chapter 3.
Here’s my UI Test app working in the iPhone simulator:
I’m still having some issues with screen resolution, but I think that is mostly a simulator issue. This is an especially big step because I switched from my previous OpenGL renderer, to using a Metal renderer (shared with the Mac port).
Next I’ll work on getting the actual game working iOS. Also still working on chapter download in the Mac app.
Check it out!
Up and running on MacOS! Still some issues (so many issues!), but getting there. iOS after that.
The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2020 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at
I’ve just finished up the content for Chapter 2. Yay! One of the last things I put together was the map. Here is the un-adorned map (no locations):
Next up I’m going to work on restoring iOS and Mac builds, which haven’t been working for awhile. I’ll do the testing of Chapter 2 on the phone.
One of the new features of Accursed Crown of the Giant King, vs. its predecessor Temple of the Abyssal Winds, is the “People Journal”. Here you can view everyone you’ve talked to, with all of their dialogue and their last location.
Honestly it’s a little primitive at this point, but definitely helpful. Feature improvements could include associating people with a related quest, grouping people by chapter and location. Perhaps even work it in with the world map. It will probably live as-is until release, and maybe then I’ll work on improvements. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, as they say!
Learn more about ACotGK:
The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2020 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at
The party hunts for a missing ranger. In this video, they defeat the ogre who has slain the ranger, and find the corpse of the unfortunate scout.
Look for another video in two weeks. Perhaps I will be done with chapter 2 and on to chapter 3 at that point!
Not much to report this week; just working on filling in random quests for chapter 2. Here’s a screenshot of my test party battling an ogre:
For more information about The Accursed Crown of the Giant King:
The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2020 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at
For this video, the party comes upon a haunted well. The first attempt to purify the well leads to a group of spectres emanating forth, a challenging battle for the party! After the party is victorious, the purification of the well then succeeds. You may not appreciate it, but I am proud of the scripting involved in this scene; summoning monsters, turning the tainted, smoking, evil well into a normal well, and the associated quest and journal entries.
More videos in the weeks to come.
Ran into an interesting bug in Accursed Crown of the Giant King today. The spell Scare was unexpectedly lasting 0 seconds.
The Scare spell inflicts fear on the target, and should last for 30 seconds. In the case where the target makes his saving throw, the spell duration should be minimized, which in this case means 10 seconds.
So, digging in, the first issue I found was that the saving throw message was not getting displayed properly. As part of some changes that I made a while back, the message was getting created, but never displayed. That had the additional result that the fact that the target was successfully saving, and thus the spell should have a short duration, was not obvious at all.
But that wasn’t the whole issue. Once I started to display the message, it became obvious that the bug occurred when the save succeeded. However, the short duration was much shorter than expected. Digging in further, I quickly found that the duration was getting reduced several times; specifically divided by 2. So the duration was ending up at 30/16, or about 1 second. The fix ended up being one line, to simple make the duration 10 seconds in this case. Another bug bites the dust!
The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2020 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at