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To The World Tree Info

Welcome to the To The World Tree website! In To the World Tree you control first a lone adventurer, and later a party of adventurers, as they journey through a mystical world of magic, battle, and mystery, in a quest for the legendary World Tree. To the World Tree is a single-player, party-based, computer role-playing game designed for computers running Microsoft Windows. Best of all, To The World Tree is free for your personal enjoyment.

To The World Tree features:

  • Pausable Real-Time Gameplay - To The World Tree runs real-time, but you can pause the action any time to issue orders for your party.
  • Party-Based - You start controlling a single character, but as you recruit more cohorts to your party, you retain full control over all of your parties' actions.
  • Custom Game System - To The World Tree uses the SENG role-playing game system designed by Merry Prankster Games. SENG is a hybrid level/skill system allowing for detailed customization of characters.
  • Character Development - As you proceed through the game, you control the advancement and development of your characters, with 3 classes, over 20 skills, and 16 spells.
  • 3D Graphics - To The World Tree uses a fully 3D graphics engine to provide a detailed, dynamic environment for your character to adventure in. Visit the Screenshots page for examples of the visuals.
  • Adventure - Lead your party through 5 dungeons featuring dozens of monsters to battle, and dozens of quests to chivalrously undertake. To The World Tree should take the average player two to five hours to complete.
  • Free - To The World Tree is a demonstration of Merry Prankster Games technology and game-making, and as such is free for your personal use. Visit the Download page to download it now.

You can get more information about To The World Tree by reading the manual online here: Manual.

System Requirements:

Note that we haven't done extensive testing of system requirements; this list represents a system I think should run "To The World Tree":

  • Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Vista, or higher.
  • Pentium 4 processor.
  • 512 MB system memory.
  • 18 MB of free hard-drive space.
  • Direct3D-capable video card with at least 128MB of video memory.
  • 800x600 or better monitor.

Please feel free to report successes or failures getting "To The World Tree" to run on your system, along with your system configuration, to ttwt@prankster.com.

Merry Prankster Games

Page maintained by gdunbar2@prankster.com

Last Modified: December 15, 2011